SEO Talk: How to Choose the Best Keywords for Your Website

Creating a beautiful website is just the beginning of getting a company online! To attract as many people as possible to your digital masterpiece, you want to appear on Google and other search engines’ results as high up as possible. And since Wix has the most SEO for your website, you’re in excellent hands.

However, optimizing your website for the keywords you want to rank highly is one of the most crucial parts of SEO. Knowing what phrases to use can be difficult. However, by employing these words in your text and on your website’s other features, you may improve your rankings considerably. While no one knows your company better than you, picking which keywords to utilize may not always be obvious.

Here are some expert recommendations to assist you in selecting the most appropriate keywords:

Make a List

The first step in identifying your keywords is to sit down and make a list. When consumers search on Google for a company similar to yours, try and think of terms and phrases that they’d use. Isn’t it difficult to determine if you’re heading in the right direction? Google those words and see whether your rivals appear. If they do, you’ve probably got something good going.

Be Specific

Choose keywords that describe your company and the services or products you offer when brainstorming. Then, think about how to connect those words with trendy phrases like “DIY” or “organic.” If you have a local business, consider including a term that denotes your location. This will assist you in reaching out to people in your area and lead them to your website.

Think Like Your Customer

Put yourself in your customer’s shoes. Instead of thinking about how you’d describe your company, consider what your potential client would be seeking when they Google on their computer or phone. For example, though you may describe yourself as a “garden designer,” your potential clients are more likely to be looking for a “landscaper.” Even if you don’t think of yourself in those terms – your customers do. And keywords are what count here.

Use a Keyword too

Experts use a Keyword Tool like Google Analytics, Moz Explorer, or SEMRush to pick keywords. These tools show you how many people search for various phrases each month. They also suggest alternatives and can advise whether or not a term is highly competitive. (When many businesses compete to rank for a particular phrase, it’s considered competitive and easier to rank for.)

Google Keyword Tool

The Google Keyword Tool is a fantastic resource for two reasons: 1. It’s free; 2. It’s run by Google – the Master of All Things Search-Related. Unfortunately, they’ve just modified the rules, so if you don’t already have an AdWords campaign running on Google, you won’t be able to use the Keyword Tool. You can also utilize the Keyword Tool to get monthly search numbers for a certain term throughout the country, in your state or even in your city if you set up an AdWords campaign. The tool can also provide suggestions for related terms to use.

Consider Competition

You may be a fantastic wedding photographer in Chicago, but your chances of ranking highly for “Chicago Wedding Photographer” or “Wedding Photography Chicago” are slim. These are extremely competitive phrases, and it will be nearly impossible for a small photographer to make the first page of Google for them.

Instead of aiming for “best,” consider “niche.” – Look for keywords that describe your niche. Do you have a special knack for capturing black-and-white wedding photographs? Or do you take a photojournalistic approach to document a marriage? You’ll improve your chances of ranking higher if you add some particular adjectives to your key phrases.

Go for Quality Over Quantity

Normally, you should avoid using keywords with the highest monthly searches. Not only are these phrases frequently too competitive, but even if you do manage to rank high for them, they may not result in actual clients. It’s more vital to seek excellent keywords that precisely and fully describe your offering. Are unsure whether a term is correct? Consider the following: What are the chances that someone Googling this term is looking for what I have to offer?

After you’ve found a few 5-10 excellent keywords, it’s time to use them on your site. Use the words in your content, as image alt text, and anywhere you write about your company.

Pro tip: Wix SEO Wiz is an incredibly useful tool for finding the right keywords for your website. It will become your new optimization buddy if you’re serious about finding the proper keywords for your site. It will assist you in discovering the greatest keywords and locating where they should be placed on your website. If you want to rank higher on Google (because seriously, who doesn’t?), this is a must-have tool.

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