Develop Content Rich Website

Quality link building means an assured higher search engine ranking. Links pointing to your website continue to be one of the most important factors that major search engines use in determining your website’s rank. Link building is basically the name given to the process of building relevant and quality links. Also, there are certain link building quality guidelines and you can get to more about it on

However, you need to have a reason for people to link to your website. Do you think you have “link-worthy” content? People will link to you naturally if they feel that they will gain something by linking to the content on your website. What attracts visitors is interesting and useful content.. Adding and updating valuable content on your website will ensure that users will stay longer on and probably revisit your web pages. Good, unique and informative content will have a very compelling appeal for your target audience.

Latent Semantic Indexing

Latent semantic indexing (LSI) is the science of natural language processing. LSI analyzes relationships between words and is designed to distinguish naturally written text from keyword-stuffed documents. Latent semantic indexing considers the natural and synonymous relationships between words.

For example, if you’re examining an article about an aeroplane, LSI will look for synonyms: aircraft, plane, aeroplane. It will also look for related words, which are NOT synonymous to the word but are often mentioned when discussing aeroplanes: ailerons, turbulence, fuel, clouds, sky, roll, pitch, etc.

Therefore it is important to write naturally and not concentrate too much on keyword density. Also, you should mix related and synonymous phrases into your anchor text since search engine algorithms depend heavily on the latent semantic indexing technique to index content.

Google’s Indexing Algorithms Detect Natural Writing from Robotic Copy

The point of LSI is to detect natural writing and distinguish it from robotic copy written content used to manipulate search results. Google has bought over Applied Semantics; the company that developed this advanced LSI technology. Their know-how was then incorporated into Ad Sense, and possibly into Google’s search algorithms as well.

In order to stay one step ahead of Google’s indexing algorithms, what search engine professionals do is that they carry out extensive research of your website to gain an in-depth understanding of your business model, products & services, goals, objectives, competition & audience. This in-depth site/competition analysis helps to prepare strong & convincing content, which is tailor-made to suit your business. The most appropriate keywords are selected and emphasized to drive qualified traffic to your website.

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